« The sea is a place of rigor and freedom »
Victor Hugo
COFREPECHE presentation
COFREPECHE is one of the leading European consulting companies specialized in the fields of fisheries, aquaculture and marine environment.
More than 35 years of experience in providing consulting services, undertaking studies and implementing challenging technical assistance projects in France and internationally.
For a sustainable and responsible fishery
Our expertise

Marine and continental fisheries
Sustainable management of fisheries resources, fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance, upgrade and development of fishing ports/harbors, landing sites and industrial zones …

Marine and continental aquaculture, setting sanitary standards, small business support and management…

Marine environment
Environmental impact assessment, management of marine protected areas, management measures and compensations for responsible fisheries…
Our future is built with the sea
Workshop on the Cape Verde field mission
As part of the “Resilient Tourism and Blue Economy Development in Cabo Verde Project” in Cape Verde, a workshop was…
COFREPECHE wishes you a joyful holiday season
COFREPECHE would like to wish you all a joyful holiday season and a prosperous new year. We would like to…
Field mission to Cape Verde as part of the artisanal fisheries co-management project
Our team of experts travelled to Cabo Verde from July 15 to August 3, 2024 to carry out a field…