Our projects
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Technical Assistance to the project “improve the conditions for the exercise of marine fisheries and the sustainability of its management in Congo”
Continents / Region / Country:
AfricaRepublic of CongoWest AfricaAreas:
Customer :
Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Élevage et de la Pêche -
from 2020 to 2024 -
Project description :
The relocation of the industrial fishing port carried out within the framework of the PAPN (Autonomous Port of Pointe Noire) investment plan must be accompanied by measures allowing the Congo to regain a sustainable mode of exploitation of the fishery resources, which is the main objective of this project. More specifically, the project aims, in parallel with the construction of a new industrial fishing port within the PAPN, to strengthen the capacities of the marine fisheries administration to:
- improve the management of the future industrial fishing port;
- provide artisanal fishing concentrated on the Songolo site with the means for its integration into the national economy;
- ensure in an effective and efficient manner the basic functions in terms of monitoring, control and surveillance of the national fleet;
- monitor the development of fisheries through the collection and analysis of scientific data to monitor the state of the fisheries and ensure their sustainability.
The project revolves around 5 components:
- Component 1: Support artisanal fisheries
- Component 2: Operationalization of port management
- Component 3: Capacity building in the area of Monitoring-Control-Surveillance
- Component 4: Implementation of necessary tools for sustainable management of the resource
- Component 5: Project management and coordination.
The purpose of this technical assistance is to support the marine fisheries administration so that it effectively and efficiently performs the basic functions in terms of monitoring-control-surveillance of the national fleet in order to contribute to the sustainability of the sector and the conservation of Congo’s fishery resources.
Its objective is to support the contracting authority in the management, coordination and implementation of the project to improve the conditions of marine fishing activities and the sustainability of its management.
Analysis of the National Food Control System of Guinea Bissau
Continents / Region / Country:
AfricaGuinea BissauWest AfricaAreas:
Customer :
European Delegation for the Government of the Republic of Guinea Bissau -
from 2020 to 2020 -
Project description :
The purpose of this project is to establish a diagnosis of the national control system for food products consumed at the national level and food products from the fisheries, beekeeping, fruit, vegetable and horticultural sectors (for production, import and export reproductive material in particular) and make the necessary recommendations for its upgrading to internationally recognized standards. The specific objectives are:·
- Analyze in detail the legislative and regulatory framework adopted at the national level;·
- Conduct an institutional audit on the competent authority (or the competent authorities if they vary according to the sectors and types of food or processed products) and of its mandate (s);· Conduct an institutional audit and a technical evaluation of the quality control and health analysis laboratories present in Guinea-Bissau;·
- Evaluate the needs and obstacles to building a capacity for local analysis, and its recognition through accreditation;·
- Audit the procedures for approving establishments, product control and its certifications, with regard to the national, subregional (ECOWAS) legislative and regulatory framework and that of the European Union;·
- Make recommendations for adaptation, improvement, remediation and rationalization (taking into account the national scale and that of ECOWAS) appearing necessary to make the food control system in Guinea-Bissau efficient and effective and allow recognition by the EU;
- Make recommendations concerning quality control and health inspection laboratories, facilities, operation, equipment, staff assignments and their training, allowing consideration of their accreditation.
Evaluation of mangrove restoration and conservation projects in the Saloum Delta and in Casamance for their capitalization as part of the creation of new marine protected areas
Continents / Region / Country:
AfricaSenegalWest AfricaAreas:
Marine environment-
Customer :
Ministry of environment and sustainable development -
from 2016 to 2016 -
Project description :
The main objective of this study was to produce project documents to strengthen existing marine protected areas (MPAs) (focusing mainly on community-based MPAs) and define priorities in terms of protective measures for all vulnerable mangrove areas towards the creation of MPAs for the long-term sustainability of goods and services they provide. The activities were aimed at:
- Propose strengthening measures of MEDD actions at central and local level to sustain existing MPAs especially in terms of regulation, operation and governance framework of the MPA, legal and tax aspects, scientific monitoring from the reference status to the valuation of acquired outputs, MEDD communication;
- Define the needs and means of strengthening communities in their involvement in MPA management: support for the implementation of the means of governance of MPAs, management training;
- Define an investment program in terms of support for the operation of MPAs, focused on the sustainability of existing structures: means of surveillance, security or promotion of tourism and economic development;
- Inventory mangrove restoration activities in Senegal noting the achievements and constraints;
- Develop a methodological guide of good practices for restoration and conservation of mangroves in Senegal from lessons learned of previous experiences;
- Identify community initiatives of mangrove management to be set up as community MPA, proposing a roadmap for the implementation of the methodological guide;
- Identifying map data on mangrove areas in Senegal;
- Study the technical feasibility (ecological environmental and legal relevance) and social acceptability of an MPA creation program around the conservation and restoration sites of mangroves in defining the appropriate governance and management options: establish baseline, provide an organisational and management system (governance), identify areas of interest for strengthening the network of MPAs, suggest an appropriate institutional anchor model, identify opportunities for cooperation for the management of new MPAs, analyse the needs in equipment and infrastructure;
- Propose accompanying measures necessary in terms of capacity building, communication, forest benefits, job creation;
- Estimate the cost of their implementation and define a financing plan;
- Develop manual of ecological monitoring of MPAs;
- Propose a time and a timeline for implementation of the activities selected.
Ex post and ex ante evaluation of the Protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the EU and Guinea-Bissau
Continents / Region / Country:
AfricaGuinea BissauWest AfricaAreas:
Customer :
European Comission -
from 2016 to 2016 -
Project description :
This specific contract (No. 17) is part of the framework contract MARE / 2011/01 Lot 3 – retrospective and prospective evaluations of the international dimension of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The objective of this specific contract is to provide to the European Commission represented by its Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE), an evaluation of the current multi-species protocol to the fisheries partnership agreement (FPA) between the EU and Guinea-Bissau by evaluating its performance based on salient criteria: effectiveness, efficiency, economy, relevance, consistency, value added and acceptability. This assessment provided also to the Commission with data and technical analysis of the context for the preparation of a possible negotiation of a new protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement (FPA) between the EU and Guinea-Bissau. The Commission considers this assessment as a tool to improve the quality and coherence of the policy development process.
The evaluation report is available on the website of DG MARE. The report is in French with summaries in French, English, Portuguese and Spanish.
Services provided by the Consortium: analysis of the fishing industry in Guinea-Bissau (importance of the fisheries sector in the national economy, volume and quality of aid to the sector provided by technical and financial partners, analysis of catches, landings and the downstream sector (processing and trade) – including the value of the products in the supply chain, review of the strengths and weaknesses of fisheries governance and legislation, analysis of fishing access arrangements, ex post evaluation of the protocol to the EU FPA (including its economic effects on the EU and third country stakeholders), ex ante evaluation of a possible conclusion of a future Protocol to the FPA.
Ex post and ex ante evaluation of the Protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the EU and the Gabonese Republic
Continents / Region / Country:
AfricaGabonWest AfricaAreas:
Customer :
European Commission (DG MARE) -
from 2015 to 2015 -
Project description :
The evaluation was carried out within the Framework contract No MARE/2011/01 ‘Evaluation and impact assessment activities for DG MARE – Lot 3: Retrospective and prospective evaluations on the international dimension of the common fisheries policy (CFP)’ as specific contract No 10. The Commission sees this evaluation as a tool for improving the quality and coherence of the policy development process. Independent evaluations of protocols to Fisheries Partnership Agreements (FPA) between the EU and third countries constitute a legal requirement for the EU.
This evaluation assessed the performance of the two years (2013 – 2015) Protocol to the FPA between the EU and Gabon based on a range of salient criteria: effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and acceptability and economic effects. This evaluation contributes by delivering clear conclusions and recommendations to prepare the Commission whether to negotiate a new protocol based on the European Commission ex ante guide 2001.
The evaluation report will be available to the public on the DG MARE’s website.
Building Eastern African Capacity for Freshwater Aquaculture Research: Study tour to Kenya
Continents / Region / Country:
AfricaEast AfricaKenyaAreas:
Customer :
ACP Fish II -
from 2013 to 2013 -
Project description :
This project intended to build the skills and capacities of Fisheries Officers and Aquaculture Research Officers in Eastern Africa to conduct relevant and effective research. To achieve this purpose COFREPECHE organised and conducted a study tour at the National Aquaculture Research Development and Training Centre (NARDTC) in Sagana, Kenya. This study tour involved 9 Fisheries Officers and Aquaculture Research Officers (participants from Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan and one Officer from the LVFO Secretariat – based in Uganda) and lasted 5 full days.
The Consultant completed the following specific tasks as part of this contract:
- Hold initial briefing with the ACP Fish II Programme and NARDTC Management;
- Carry out documentary review and develop Study Tour programme and learning objectives;
- Prepare an Inception Report (IR);
- Prepare Study Tour materials (e.g. guidelines, documents, programmes and learning objectives) to be given to the Participants at the start of the Tour;
- Organise, implement and report a study tour for 9 officers based in the NARDTC, Sagana, Kenya;
- Prepare a written report on the Study Tour to be given to Participants before departure;
- Prepare the Draft Final Technical Report (DFTR) and submit it to the ACP Fish II Programme, LVFO Secretariat and NARDTC Management;
- Prepare and submit the Final Technical Report (FTR) incorporating inputs on the draft.
Training toward professionalization of women fish retailers in fish markets
Continents / Region / Country:
AfricaSenegalWest AfricaAreas:
Customer :
ACP Fish II -
from 2013 to 2013 -
Project description :
This project aimed at promoting the application of sanitary standards in the fish markets of five localities in Senegal: Kaolack, Tambacounda, Thiès, Tivaouane and Touba.
The project was carried out in 2 phases:
- Preparatory phase: site visits for assessment of the situation (infrastructure, equipment and level of knowledge) with regards to sanitary standards in the markets for 5 selected localities; development of training modules and guide on good hygiene practices and quality; recommendations to remedy the deficiencies noted, including (non-)realism and (non-)adequacy of the existing standards.
- Implementation phase: conduct training in Kaolack, Tambacounda, Thiès, Tivaouane and Touba. In each locality, the training brought together 25 beneficiaries, mainly women and lasted 5 days. The training covered theoretical but also practical aspects, involving visits to markets and to other locations where the fish is marketed.
Ex post and ex ante evaluation of the Protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the EU and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Continents / Region / Country:
AfricaMauritaniaWest AfricaAreas:
Customer :
European Commission (DG MARE) -
from 2013 to 2014 -
Project description :
This specific contract (No. 8) is part of the framework contract MARE / 2011/01 Lot 3 – retrospective and prospective evaluations of the international dimension of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The objective of this specific contract is to provide to the European Commission represented by its Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE), an evaluation of the current multi-species protocol to the fisheries partnership agreement (FPA) between the EU and Mauritania by evaluating its performance based on salient criteria: effectiveness, efficiency, economy, coherence and acceptability. This assessment provided also to the Commission with data and technical analysis of the context for the preparation of a possible negotiation of a new protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement (FPA) between the EU and Mauritania. The Commission considers this assessment as a tool to improve the quality and coherence of the policy development process.
The evaluation report is available on the website of DG MARE. The report is in French with summaries in French and Spanish.
Ex post and ex ante evaluation of the Protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the EU and the Republic of Madagascar
Continents / Region / Country:
AfricaEast AfricaMadagascarAreas:
Customer :
European Commission (DG MARE) -
from 2013 to 2014 -
Project description :
The evaluation was carried out within the Framework contract No MARE/2011/01 ‘Evaluation and impact assessment activities for DG MARE – Lot 3: Retrospective and prospective evaluations on the international dimension of the common fisheries policy (CFP)’ as specific contract No 10. The Commission sees this evaluation as a tool for improving the quality and coherence of the policy development process. Independent evaluations of protocols to Fisheries Partnership Agreements (FPA) between the EU and third countries constitute a legal requirement for the EU.
This evaluation assessed the performance of the two years (2013 – 2014) Protocol to the FPA between the EU and Madagascar based on a range of salient criteria: effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and acceptability and economic effects. This evaluation contributes by delivering clear conclusions and recommendations to prepare the Commission whether to negotiate a new protocol based on the European Commission ex ante guide 2001.
The evaluation report is available to the public on the DG MARE’s website.
Building Eastern African Capacity for Freshwater Aquaculture Research: Study tour to Kenya
Continents / Region / Country:
AfricaEast AfricaKenyaAreas:
FisheriesMarine environment-
Customer :
ACP Fish II -
from 2013 to 2013 -
Project description :
This project intended to build the skills and capacities of Fisheries Officers and Aquaculture Research Officers in Eastern Africa to conduct relevant and effective research. To achieve this purpose COFREPECHE organised and conducted a study tour at the National Aquaculture Research Development and Training Centre (NARDTC) in Sagana, Kenya. This study tour involved 9 Fisheries Officers and Aquaculture Research Officers (participants from Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan and one Officer from the LVFO Secretariat – based in Uganda) and lasted 5 full days.