Our projects
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Opportunity and evaluation study prior to a public-private partnership contract as part of an extension project for the port of Cotinière
Continents / Region / Country:
Atlantic OceanEuropaFranceAreas:
Customer :
Conseil Général de la Charente Maritime -
from 2013 to 2013 -
Project description :
The study aimed to identify solutions to optimize the structuring of the operation of the three relevant fishing ports under General Council of Charente Maritime jurisdiction, namely those of Royan, La Rochelle-Chef de Baie and La Cotinière .
A question from this study, the solution consisting in dedicating a specific management mode for each of these three ports was chosen.
The main structuring elements of the revitalization of the deep-sea fishing place in Charente Maritime and the extension of the Port de la Cotinière by the construction of a third basin and a new tidal market.
The objective is to perpetuate and develop the port of Cotinière by:
- The creation of infrastructure to optimize access to fishing vessels at all times;
- The design of the tidal hall to meet both functional and functional constraints and to cope with the increase in tonnage landed.
COFREPECHE examined the functionality of the La Cotinière new auction project prepared by the architectural firm.
COFREPECHE experts are on site and have worked in conjunction with auction management specialists to verify the assessments and take into account developments in this type of installation.
Regional overview of the tuna fisheries sector in the Western Central Pacific and ex ante evaluations for possible Fisheries Partnership Agreements between the EU and Cook Islands and between the EU and Tuvalu
Continents / Region / Country:
Cook IslandEuropaOceaniaPacific OceanTuvaluAreas:
Customer :
European Commission (DG MARE) -
from 2012 to 2013 -
Project description :
The study (the regional overview) and the ex ante evaluations were carried out within the specific contract n° 6 of the framework contract MARE/2011/01 ‘Evaluation and impact assessment activities for DG MARE’ Lot 3: ‘Retrospective and prospective evaluations on the international dimension of the common fisheries policy (CFP)’. The Commission sees these studies as a tool for improving the quality and coherence of the policy development process. Also, independent evaluations to conclude new protocols to Fisheries Partnership Agreements (FPA) between the EU and third countries constitute a legal requirement of the EU.
The regional overview of the fisheries sector in the Western Central Pacific included providing basic information of fishing activities in the Western Pacific especially the activities of the EU fleet, analysing the supply chain of tuna, tuna-liked species and associated species caught by EU tuna fishing vessels in the Pacific ocean and in the waters under the jurisdiction of the Pacific countries. This contract contributed also in delivering clear findings, conclusions and recommendations to prepare the Commission whether to negotiate on behalf of the EU protocols to FPAs with Cook Islands and with Tuvalu.
The regional overview and the ex ante evaluation for ‘Cook Islands’ are available on DG MARE’s website, the ex ante report for ‘Tuvalu’ is not available to the public.
Services provided by the consortium: assessing national policies and fisheries and aquaculture policies, evaluating international development, fish stock assessments, evaluating fisheries management mechanisms, analysing fishing and landing activities especially tuna, tuna-like species and associated species, studying market and trade of fish products and evaluating fisheries arrangements, ex ante evaluations of potential future fisheries agreements between the EU and Tuvalu and Cook.
Studies on the common fisheries policy (DG MARE)- Lot 1: Reduction of gear impact and discards in deep sea fisheries
Continents / Region / Country:
Customer :
from 2012 to 2013 -
Project description :
The contractual objectives were (task 1) to identify and study trawl modification and alternative gear that aim at reducing the impact of the gear on the sea bottom when engaged in deep-sea fisheries through analysis of the current impact on the seafloor, a numerical simulations of off-bottom and light trawls, flume tank experiments and two experimental trips, and (task 2) to identify and study a measure for discard reduction in deep-sea fisheries or fisheries having deep-sea species as a by-catch, pursued with trawls or nets through interview of skippers and analysis of the discards of blue skate and deep-water sharks in all fisheries and other discards (results of the nested grid analysis). The measure could consist in gear modifications or catch purification based on the skipper’s strategy to avoid unwanted fish.
The final report presents the results of laboratory developments, field experiments and data analyses carried out.
Regarding fishing gear modifications to reduce the impact on the seabed, the light footrope needs being installed on one vessel for regular use before generalising it. The objective of this test on one vessel would be (i) to verify on a larger number of hauls and in all seasons that the commercial catches of the light trawl are not significantly smaller than that of the standard trawl and (ii) to test its wear in the long term. A more advanced option would be to develop a truly off-bottom trawl, i.e. really without seabed contact. The spatial analysis carried out in the project allowed delineating an area where levels of discards are significantly higher. The closure of such an area would therefore reduce the overall level of discards, however keeping in mind that the fleet tends to fish less in this particular area.
Final report on line on the DGMARE website.
Analysis of the possibility and the relevance of establishing capture quotas within the framework of the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy
Continents / Region / Country:
Customer :
from 2011 to 2012 -
Project description :
The DPMA wishes to obtain a precise analysis of international experiences in the domain of discards management.
The principal goal of this study is to compare the pilot experiments carried out within the European Union and out, aiming to replace landing quotas by capture quotas. The aim is also the assessment of its relevance so as to demonstrate its adaptability in view of the French fisheries which are characterised by their specificities with regard to polyvalence and diversity. These experimentations are usually linked with promotion of use of embarked video cameras (CCTV systems) in order to ensure an optimal control of the discards.
The objectives are also :
- To contribute to the global thinking about the reduction of discards in the field of fisheries management while maintaining incentives for exemplary and responsible fisheries (allocation of supplementary quotas);
- To enable the assessment of the feasibility of the measure within the French legal system (surveillance cameras in the workplace, legal grounds of noted infringements);
- To suggest leads for the valorisation of non-commercial “discards” (notably under-sized individuals).
Analysis of the possibility and the relevance of establishing capture quotas within the framework of the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy
Continents / Region / Country:
Customer :
from 2011 to 2012 -
Project description :
The DPMA wishes to obtain a precise analysis of international experiences in the domain of discards management.
The principal goal of this study is to compare the pilot experiments carried out within the European Union and out, aiming to replace landing quotas by capture quotas. The aim is also the assessment of its relevance so as to demonstrate its adaptability in view of the French fisheries which are characterised by their specificities with regard to polyvalence and diversity. These experimentations are usually linked with promotion of use of embarked video cameras (CCTV systems) in order to ensure an optimal control of the discards.
The objectives are also :
- To contribute to the global thinking about the reduction of discards in the field of fisheries management while maintaining incentives for exemplary and responsible fisheries (allocation of supplementary quotas);
- To enable the assessment of the feasibility of the measure within the French legal system (surveillance cameras in the workplace, legal grounds of noted infringements);
- To suggest leads for the valorisation of non-commercial “discards” (notably under-sized individuals).
ICCAT Regional Observer Programme for east Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna
Continents / Region / Country:
AfricaEuropaMediterranean SeaAreas:
Customer :
ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of the Atlantic Tunas) -
from 2010 to 2019 -
Project description :
The ICCAT Regional Observer Programme for eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna (ROP-BFT) is aimed to establish a multi-annual recovery Plan for Bluefin Tuna in the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean [14-04] to ensure 100% coverage by observer:
- on all purse seiners authorised to fish bluefin tuna;
- during all transfers of bluefin tuna from purse seiners;
- during all transfers of bluefin tuna from traps to transport cages;
- during all transfers of Bluefin tuna from one farm to another;
- during all cagings of bluefin tuna in farms;
- during all harvesting of bluefin tuna from farms.
Since April 2010, the ROP-BFT has been operated on behalf of ICCAT by a consortium between Marine Resources Assessment Group (MRAG) and COFREPECHE. The MRAG/COFREPECHE Consortium carries out observer recruitment and training, equipment purchases and observer deployments on vessels and farming facilities under the supervision of the Secretariat.
Study on the possibilities to use By-Catch and removed
Continents / Region / Country:
Customer :
FranceAgriMer -
from 2010 to 2011 -
Project description :
Aiming at the sustainable use of the resource and at encouraging fishermen to focus on catch more valuable on markets, the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) reform could lead to the permanent removal of existing support mechanisms in France: permanent withdrawal or withdrawal with postponed reinsertion on the market.
The objective of FranceAgriMer through this study is to analyse the economic feasibility of value chains using withdrawals and discards which could not be avoided, especially to meet the needs of charities. The objective is also to help building a business case to consolidate an efficient intervention mechanism (postponment / freezing / processing) without destruction of fisheries products.
Study on the possibilities to use By-Catch and removed
Continents / Region / Country:
Customer :
FranceAgriMer -
from 2010 to 2011 -
Project description :
Aiming at the sustainable use of the resource and at encouraging fishermen to focus on catch more valuable on markets, the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) reform could lead to the permanent removal of existing support mechanisms in France: permanent withdrawal or withdrawal with postponed reinsertion on the market.
The objective of FranceAgriMer through this study is to analyse the economic feasibility of value chains using withdrawals and discards which could not be avoided, especially to meet the needs of charities. The objective is also to help building a business case to consolidate an efficient intervention mechanism (postponment / freezing / processing) without destruction of fisheries products.
Study on the possibilities to use By-Catch and removed
Continents / Region / Country:
Customer :
France Agrimer -
from 2010 to 2011 -
Project description :
Aiming at the sustainable use of the resource and at encouraging fishermen to focus on catch more valuable on markets, the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) reform could lead to the permanent removal of existing support mechanisms in France: permanent withdrawal or withdrawal with postponed reinsertion on the market.
The objective of FranceAgriMer through this study is to analyse the economic feasibility of value chains using withdrawals and discards which could not be avoided, especially to meet the needs of charities. The objective is also to help building a business case to consolidate an efficient intervention mechanism (postponment / freezing / processing) without destruction of fisheries products
Observation programme within the pilot study to experiment new fishing technics intended to diversify/reconvert the artisanal fisheries fleet using the floating anchored gill nets
Continents / Region / Country:
EuropaFranceMediterranean SeaAreas:
Customer :
from 2009 to 2010 -
Project description :
In 1998, the European Union prohibits fishing with driftnets. However Mediterranean fisheries fleet using the floating anchored gill nets are not affected by this decision. In 2003, an amendment is proposed by the European Commission to also prohibit the use of anchored floating nets called “thonailles.” From the point of view of the European Commission, they also must be regarded as drift nets and therefore be prohibited as potentially dangerous.
This pilot study on experimentation and the development of new fishing techniques in the context of diversification and conversion of the artisanal fleet using “thonailles” (Mediterranean), was conducted by the Coordination of fishermen of the Etang de Berre, in connection with Ifremer.