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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of fisheries harbours in Sri Lanka
Continents / Region / Country:
AsiaIndian OceanSri LankaAreas:
FisheriesMarine environment-
Customer :
Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development -
from 2021 to 2021 -
Project description :
The project concerns 4 fishing harbours (Beruwala, Galle, Puranawella, Kudawella) located in the south of Sri Lanka.
COFREPECHE is doing an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) of the potential rehabilitation of these 4 fishing harbours.
This assessment has three objectives:
- Support the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development (MFARD) design a project which respects the environment and populations by jointly defining activities and measures which need to be implemented to improve the environmental and social (E&S) quality of the project, in line with the requirements for Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) of the Coast Conservation and Coastal Resources Management Department and obtain their validation;
- Inform AFD Group’s decision-making process by verifying the social and environmental viability of projects put forward for its financing and thus limit legal, financial and reputation risks;
- Allow stakeholders to be informed and participate in project design;
The environmental and social impact assessment, based on a description of the context, the baseline data of the site and the project’s impacts on the environment and populations, consequently puts forward mitigation measures which need to be implemented in order to prevent, minimize or, otherwise, compensate for the project’s negative effects on the environment and populations.
These measures and the conditions for their implementation are indicated and listed in an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP).
Review of 3 fishing ports feasibility studies
Continents / Region / Country:
AsiaSri LankaAreas:
Customer :
Private Client -
from 2013 to 2013 -
Project description :
The objectives of the review were to:
- Analyse the status of fish resource in Sri Lanka on basis of the available data/information;
- Point out incoherence and data gaps in the feasibility reports that may have a direct influence on the sustainability of the proposals;
- Formulate amendments and recommendations, and where necessary, new data collection suggestions;
Give an appraisal regarding the impact that the construction of the three fisheries harbour may have on the resource and its sustainability taken into account the estimated fishing effort evolutions linked with the harbour construction.
Project for the development of Daman and Diu, Gujarat State, India – feasibility study to upgrade the fishing ports in Daman and Diu
Continents / Region / Country:
AsiaIndiaIndian OceanAreas:
Customer :
Egis-Ports -
from 2013 to 2013 -
Project description :
Omnibus Industrial Development Corporation (OIDC), a public Indian company specialised in industrial development, requested Egis International, a port development company whose headquarters are in France, to assess the potential of developing the coastal areas of two towns located in the State of Gujarat (Eastern side of India): Daman and Diu. Each of them having specificities: Daman having an artisanal fishing port where future income from tourism could be generated (eco-tourism) while Diu could become a larger artisanal-semi-industrial fishing ports with potentials for ferries development. Egis asked COFREPECHE to analyse the current situation of the existing fishing ports (including their competitions) and the general situation of the fishing activities in this area of India in order to define the scope of development of the two coastal towns to be proposed to the Client.
Project for the development of Daman and Diu, Gujarat State, India – feasibility study to upgrade the fishing ports in Daman and Diu
Continents / Region / Country:
AsiaIndiaIndian OceanAreas:
Customer :
Egis-Ports -
from 2013 to 2013 -
Project description :
Omnibus Industrial Development Corporation (OIDC), a public Indian company specialised in industrial development, requested Egis International, a port development company whose headquarters are in France, to assess the potential of developing the coastal areas of two towns located in the State of Gujarat (Eastern side of India): Daman and Diu. Each of them having specificities: Daman having an artisanal fishing port where future income from tourism could be generated (eco-tourism) while Diu could become a larger artisanal-semi-industrial fishing ports with potentials for ferries development. Egis asked COFREPECHE to analyse the current situation of the existing fishing ports (including their competitions) and the general situation of the fishing activities in this area of India in order to define the scope of development of the two coastal towns to be proposed to the Client.
Services provided by COFREPECHE:
- Inventory of existing fishing facilities : general description of facilities and equipment dedicated to fishing activities: quays (length, depth) refrigeration equipment, ice machine, chiller, fresh and sea water supply, boat maintenance facilities, power supply equipment, auction halls, processing halls works shop for repair yard; equipment for collect and storage of fish wastes, etc.; review of the existing fishing fleet: Type of boat, Number of fishermen, Number of boat per category in each port, type of fishing activity, Condition of the fleet, Etc.; Fish catches (species and volumes per month and per year over ten years min.); description of existing methods for fish landing, for auctioning, etc. and comparison with usual methods;
- Stakeholders: description of fishermen’s associations; associations sellers; local administrative services;
- Organisation of the ports: description (a) of fish flow from landing to the exit of the first handling site (with or without an auction hall), (b) of the port services (including control of the cold chain: cold room, ice maker, etc..) within the port and the surrounding areas; (c) of sales: sales location, organisation, sales volumes (species and quantities and prices);
- Diagnosis: identification and description of problems encountered by fishermen and wholesalers such as access to the harbour, mooring, maintenance, security, quality of sea products (from inside fishing vessel to sale/auction);
- Definition of the objectives of the development project: strengthening the site including assessing potential increase the ports superficies, seafood safety strengthening, improvement of the landing and first handling facilities and boat maintenance and repair.
Capacity building for Cambodia’s Aquaculture sector (KHM371)
Continents / Region / Country:
AsiaCambodiaSouth East AsiaAreas:
Customer :
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries -
from 07/2021 to 04/2024 -
Project description :
This project is part of the GIZ’s Global program on sustainable fisheries and aquaculture (GP Fish). The main objective of the initiative is to reduce extreme poverty and hunger in 6 countries including Cambodia. As part of the initiative, the GP Fish aims to increase the availability of fish products for the food-insecure population in partner countries and to boost employment and incomes through the promotion of sustainable artisanal fisheries and aquaculture.The focus of the Cambodian component is on promoting small-scale pond aquaculture in Cambodia’s 2nd largest province Kampong Thom, which includes extensive and semi-intensive fish cultivation at the household level as well as capacity development of hatcheries within the intervention area. The target group includes existing fish farmers with several years of experience as well as resettled people starting fish farming as a new business from scratch. The two objectives of this project are the following:
· Increase the aquaculture pond production and accompany demand for labour: It will provide intensive support for 400 pond aquaculture facilities in. The project stands out by taking sustainable capacity development to a higher level. Instead of receiving training in one specific aquaculture technique, the target groups will develop knowledge and skills needed for making informed decisions about starting small-scale aquaculture or increasing existing production.
· Improve the political framework for implementation of sustainable resource-friendly aquaculture.
Program for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Fisheries Sector: Aquaculture Component (CaPFish Aquaculture) – Consulting Service for Sector Governance and Regulations IT3 –
Continents / Region / Country:
AsiaCambodiaSouth East AsiaAreas:
Customer :
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)/ Fisheries Administration (FiA) -
from 01/11/2022 to 01/01/2024 -
Project description :
The overall objective of the CaPFish Programme is to contribute to food security and socioeconomic development in Cambodia in order to enhance people’s livelihoods and the nation’s prosperity. The specific objective of CaPFish-Aquaculture is to ensure a more sustainable, climate-resilient and inclusive growth in the aquaculture sector. The axis 3 “Sector Governance and Regulations” expected results are :
– Improving Fisheries Administration (FiA) management capabilities at central and cantonment level;
– Developing further and implementing aquaculture regulations and control for seed and feed;
– Implementing control procedures for farm licensing, environmental impacts, biosecurity in farms, fish health, farms labour practices, markets price and farm registrations;
– Developing the tools for improving M&E of all registered data, and particularly through a GIS mapping on present and potential future situation, and an Aquaculture Database able to register and monitor relevant data to follow and evaluate real production and aquaculture development in the country;
– Implementing a market survey for aquaculture products;
– Supplying financial support to private farmers and permit
Study of the socio-economic impacts of anchored fish aggregating devices (FAD) in small scale fisheries in the South Western Indian Ocean
Continents / Region / Country:
AfricaAsiaComorosIndian OceanKenyaMadagascarMozambiqueSeychellesTanzaniaAreas:
FisheriesMarine environment-
Customer :
IRD (within the World Bank funded SWIOF programme) -
from January 2011 to March 2013 -
Project description :
The study carried out by COFREPECHE from 2011 to 2013 funded by the French Fund (Fonds français pour l’environnement mondial) and within the SWIOFP was to assess the socio -economic impacts of artisanal fishing on FADs. The first phase of the study conducted in 2011 within two months (ref. IOC54) consisted of :
- Establishing an overview of fishing activities with anchored FADs specifically by fishing modes (occasionally, species targeted in conjunction with other professional fishing modes and mono- specific fishing activities)
- Understanding the implementation of anchored DCP fishing in countries that do not use ones. The results of the analysis delivered to the IRD and SWIOFP a fairly accurate guideline of the effects of the introduction of FADs on fishing communities, global fisheries management and food supply. They led to the creation of monitoring indicators for the success of the implementation and / or operational capability of DCP equipment in Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique and Tanzania.
From November 2011 to March 2013, COFREPECHE conducted the second phase of the study. Following data collection missions in the concerned countries, sheets to monitor the socio-economic impacts of anchored FAD fishing were drafted then the COFREPECHE expert evaluated the results of the monitoring carried out by the institutions of the beneficiary countries in 2012.
Continents / Region / Country:
AsiaIndian OceanSri LankaAreas:
FisheriesMarine environment-
Customer :
Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development -
from January 2019 to October 2019 -
Project description :
This pilot project is focusing on up to 4 fishing harbours. The technical feasibility study covered by this tender will be part of a full set of targeted feasibility studies and a project implementation design need. The Consultant will have to make an assessment of the practicality of the proposed pilot project, making a sector diagnosis at country level, designing the project, discussing the relevance of the project establishment, recommending the best structure to implement the project, evaluating the resources needed in its implementation, providing advices regarding the relevant financial tools to support it, and preparing the Terms of References of the project.