Our vision
Our mission
Climate change, ocean acidification, overfishing, illegal fishing activities and marine pollution are jeopardizing the world’s oceans and their resources. COFREPECHE is fully aware of these challenges and highly committed to contributing to achieving the 14th Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations, which aims to “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”.
For a reasoned development of the sea
Our vision
Through the implementation of sustainable, innovative projects and by offering a service of a high quality, with the minimum impact on the environment, COFREPECHE defends the sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources, the conservation of the oceans and the promotion of the ecosystem approach to fisheries. We are making every effort to promote and strengthen resilient and sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, improving food and nutrition security, contributing to economic growth and respecting the natural environment.
COFREPECHE deeply believes in the concept of the blue economy as an appropriate framework for the rational and sustainable use of natural, renewable and non-renewable resources. His commitment to this emerging topic demonstrates his ambition to look at the future and its upcoming challenges.