Actualités > Visit of the port of Boulogne for the EPBR
Visit of the port of Boulogne for the EPBR
In the scope of the project “Modernisation of the Artisanal Fisheries Port of Nouadhibou”, on January 11th, we organised a visit to the port of Boulogne-sur-Mer for the chief executive, the chief operations officer, the financial and technical directors of the Etablissement Portuaire de la Baie du Repos (Nouadhibou, Mauritania).
The partner consultancy (INROS Lackner) and the funder (KfW) were also present.
Accompanied by the excellent explanations of the Deputy Director of the Port and the Director of the fish market, we were able to attend the auction of the fish market, visit the auction hall and the various infrastructures of the port.