Actualités > Start of the project “Program for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Fisheries Sector: Aquaculture Component (CaPFish Aquaculture)-Consulting Service for Sector Governance and Regulations”
Start of the project “Program for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Fisheries Sector: Aquaculture Component (CaPFish Aquaculture)-Consulting Service for Sector Governance and Regulations”
COFREPECHE in consortium with SOFRECO and WorldFish has been awarded with the axis 3 “Consulting Service for Sector Governance and Regulations” of the contract “Program for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Fisheries Sector: Aquaculture Component (CaPFish Aquaculture)”. This call for tenders was launched by the French Development Agency (AFD) and the project started in November 2022 for an overall duration of 14 months. The beneficiary of the project is FiA Fisheries Administration of Cambodia.
The overall objective of the CaPFish Programme is to contribute to food security and socioeconomic development in Cambodia in order to enhance people’s livelihoods and the nation’s prosperity. The specific objective of CaPFish-Aquaculture is to ensure a more sustainable, climate-resilient and inclusive growth in the aquaculture sector.
The axis 3 “Sector Governance and Regulations” expected results are :
- Improving Fisheries Administration (FiA) management capabilities at central and cantonment level;
- Developing further and implementing aquaculture regulations and control for seed and feed;
- Implementing control procedures for farm licensing, environmental impacts, biosecurity in farms, fish health, farms labour practices, markets price and farm registrations;
- Developing the tools for improving M&E of all registered data, and particularly through a GIS mapping on present and potential future situation, and an Aquaculture Database able to register and monitor relevant data to follow and evaluate real production and aquaculture development in the country;
- Implementing a market survey for aquaculture products;
- Supplying financial support to private farmers and permit